Here's a bit of insight into the work and projects that drive us!
Mental Health
Stigma thrives where there is a lack of understanding. We've made it our mission to advocate and educate. So, on our main platform [Instagram] we create encouraging and informative posts and share stories to help demystify and correct misconceptions about Mental Health.
There's a good chance that someone else in the world is experiencing something similar to you; but, you'd never know unless they shared their story. On Fridays, we share inspiring anecdotes from our followers, to help break down the notion that we must struggle in silence and win our battles alone. Sharing our experiences can liberate us from a sense of loneliness and entrapment, and can also serve to encourage others with similar struggles.
Feature Friday:
Through the Lens
Feature Friday anecdotes from our followers brought to life by video!
Coming Soon:
Our Own Podcast
LUI in the
Our Podcast promises to be enlightening, engaging and fun. Our goal is to drive home to all of our listeners that it's perfectly okay to speak up and talk about Mental Health. We'll also deconstruct some of the misconceptions surrounding Mental Health in the process!
Stay tuned for more info!
Hopefully, if COVID-19 allows, we can get this new venture off the ground, and start interacting with members of our community to get their takes on Mental Health, and what else we as citizens could be doing to address the inherent challenges.
Our hope is to inspire activism and change in the narrative surrounding Mental Health in our communities.
The way we make significant impact is by lobbying governments to introduce or expand stand alone policy for Mental Health, to require more education about Mental Wellness in our schools and tertiary institutions, and to promote wider access to treatment for Mental illness in each of our target countries.